Crocodile Lounge

325 E. 14th St
New York, NY 10003

I think I may have stumbled across the best deal in NYC. I say stumble because it was a random Thursday night which some how we decided to goto a bar and without any plans we decided to got Crocodile Lounge. So why is this place the best deal in NYC you ask? Crocodile Lounge gives you a free mini pie of pizza with every beer you purchase. In case you missed it, Crocodile Lounge gives you a FREE mini pie of pizza with EVERY BEER you purchase! And these are not your Pizza Hut Express personal pan size, they are slightly larger. I do not think I could ever see myself eating more then one pie ever. At Crocodile Lounge $5 gets you a draft beer and a pizza pie! Can you get a better deal in NYC? At least I have not found it yet. Suprisingly the pizza was actually pretty good as well, but be careful as they come out steaming hot! There is nothing worse then burning your palatte when eating pizza. From what I have read about the Crocodile Lounge, they give away free beers on Monday nights in a Nintendo tournament, and have Trivia night on Wednesday. I don’t think I can say enough good things about this place just got there!