Many folks may use Foursquare to check in and get those occasional deals such as a free drink, shot, item of even a dinner. But recently I noticed something different. American Express is offering cash back. The deal is simple, you sync your American Express credit card with Foursquare then when you Check In and spend a specified amount ($10 in most cases) you receive cash back ($10 in most cases) on your next American Express statement.
I came across this in the past week and have yet to give it a shot. I promise to return and report my findings now that I have synced my AmEx! Below is an image of the deal being offered at one of my local Sushi spots, Yo Sushi. Also KEEP IN MIND this deal is strictly offered from American Express and not the retails. Please do not take it out on the retailer if they have no idea what you are talking about should you mention the American Express cash back deal!
For those that think Foursquare is stupid or dumb, well here is some real value to using Foursquare. Keep in mind if security is an issue you do not have to publicize your check-ins in order to get the deal.
Good Luck and let us know your results.