70-11 Austin Street
Forest Hills, NY
As I was on the way to the Mets game, I decided to make a stop in Forest Hills to grab something to eat along Austin St. Since I found parking across the street, I got the craving for sushi as I saw Tako Sushi. This is a small quaint place, which has nice sushi bar style seating. Some reason I am always a fan of being able to watch the chef make the sushi. Being the carefree diner that I am I just ordered the sushi dinner. As normal it was served with salad and miso soup. In addition they served us a grilled salmon and edamame on the house, hey free stuff is always good and the salmon was just that..great. With the sushi I was not totally impressed. The look it lacked something, the sushi tasted fresh but the look of the fish itself, I can not point it out but just didn’t stand out next to the many other sushi restaurants I have dined out. Another issue I had with the sushi was that they use rather large portions of fish atop of the rice, I felt like there was too much fish for the rice, and ended up eating sashimi, which worked out quite well. I do not really visit Austin st. to often so I doubt I will eat here again, but who knows. For the value I can not complain, as the sushi dinner was about $17, and I have definitely had pricier sushi.